We are days away from October and you know what that means--BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH. The stores are filling with enticing pink stuff that will make you feel good about supporting those of us living day to day with this disease but I implore you to think twice before plopping down your hard earned money if you think it will help.
Investigate first on who will benefit and how much of your money will go to research. I admit I am biased but it is now time to focus on what kills us--metastatic breast cancer. We get ONE day this month (October 13) to scream outrage against the minuscule 7% of funding directed for us. Unfair? You better believe it so go to my website at One Woman Many Lakes and discover why research is our best hope.
Next visit this link It's about time MBC. If you have followed my blog you've heard my story so I encourage you to read about the remarkable women and men navigating through life with metastatic breast cancer. The stories will touch your heart about the unifying theme of the importance of more time with their families.
Now back to my ranting. Please, please stop with the boas and the underwear and the do dads that declare all purchases will support those with breast cancer. Give directly to a research organization and be assured your donation will save lives. Let me suggest you check out the More For Stage IV fund at the UW Carbone Cancer Center who gives 100% to the researchers so they can focus on giving us that precious commodity of time.
Scream loud and often is my new mantra so hear me roar once more ( and feel free to join me).
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