Tuesday, November 14, 2017

#539 Wheee! It's a Ride

Even on cloudy days, look for the rainbow
Life is full of struggles from health issues to financial woes to something as simple as a dog depositing his...you know what on the freshly cleaned carpet downstairs. Sometimes I find myself totally undone by the simplest action from the dog yet find strength to carry on when life becomes more complicated. Often times, though, a mysterious twitch in my body can signal a full blown catastrophic meltdown. 

Case in point: My every day health can be like a ride on the scariest roller coaster ever built.  When I am flying upwards and feeling good, everything around me is grand--I swim farther, play harder, even cook dinner if Rob lets me in the kitchen.  However, that downward plunge is fast and furious when  an aching hip or back pain raises concern and my panic button goes into full alert.  Cancer does that--it can make a mountain out of a molehill.  

This past fall I had an aching back that wouldn't go away and each step I took I was sure it was the cancer cells growing by leaps and bounds. Thoughts crept into my brain of what's next on this bumpy road I'm traveling. I've passed the three year mark of median survival rates so... is this it--I've exceeded my limit?  These thoughts combined with the death of a well known advocate who seemed to tackle every obstacle with such gusto and determination left me completely unhinged. 

Fortunately for me the news is good.  After the medical scans were completed, it appears my ugly cancer cells are in retreat--not gone and forgotten-- but certainly not expanding into some type of army of doom. I can now BREATHE a sigh of relief and get back into the roller coaster for the next hair raising ride.  With cancer it's a never ending jaunt. 

So what to do with splendid news.  Travel to the Bahamas and grab onto this feeling and hope it lasts a tad longer.  The trip reinforced the phrase, Make Every Day Matter, and we certainly relished that motto by finding a pristine place called Cat Island (No abundance of cats.  Supposedly it was named after a Captain Catt).  

Swimming was magnificent in the bluest waters I’ve ever seen and the sandy beach stretched for a mile in front of our cottage. I seized every opportunity to be floating in that blissful state of suspension. Gliding along with a full view of the ocean floor and not one shark or nibble from a fish the entire time was a mini heaven for me.  Of course an official One Woman Many Lakes swim is now in the record books but it doesn’t describe the splendor of this swim. 

Our fishing adventure was one more of those memorable moments that will be cherished forever.  The three of us--Rob, the guide and I set off on another gorgeous morning to see if we could catch the elusive and speedy bonefish.  After Rob's numerous casting and a no show every time, he decided it was time for me to attempt this challenge of the fish face off.  Two casts later and I hooked the little booger, letting it run for a bit and then Bingo!  got it in the net.  I was thrilled and now poor Rob has to listen to my bragging rights to catching the only fish of the day.  Guess we will have to make a return trip next year so he can redeem his fish throne. 

Thanks for reading #539 of 7777.


  1. Thanks for posting this and I'm so glad your sore back was nothing bad. I have a back ache this week too and of course it scares me but I think it's from lifting the 20# turkey out of the case!! Have a nice Thanksgiving Mary!
