Wednesday, October 26, 2016

#493 Two Degrees of Separation

It never ceases to amaze me when certain events take hold and the unexpected happens.  Case in point--we had our 2nd annual Die In on the steps of the Capitol building in Madison on October 13th.  It was well attended and, I believe, a moving experience for everyone.

The goal of the event was not necessarily a fund raiser, but rather a visual of how many people die every day from this disease.  As I slowly counted to 113, each person laid down and remembered a woman or man who died from metastatic breast cancer on that day. Gut wrenching reality but a powerful statement to help spread the word.

A few of my friends could not be there due to work, travel or other commitments.  One supporter was traveling afar and posted a picture of herself  on Facebook "dying" on the rock in some beautiful setting commenting how, even though physically she could not be here on the 13th, she was thinking about me and the 250,000 of us living every day with this disease. To make a long story short, her clever picture was shown to an older gentlemen who, in turn, was so moved by the story he sent a donation to METAvivor--without any solicitation from anyone.

Remarkable how one picture, one event will propel another into action. One donation at a time, the potential of more lives saved. That's how we must get things done.

To view the Die In go to. 2016 MBC Die-In

If you are as impressed as I am by this gentleman's generosity, go to and donate.  It takes a nanosecond and, trust me, you will be greatly appreciated by a whole slew of metsters around the country.

Thanks for reading #493 of 7777.

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