Wednesday, October 15, 2014

# 2 Oops!

Okay I will admit I am not as techie savvy as I should be--my kids have always been my computer experts, however, since David (Mr. Two Years in Africa without a computer) was the only one around- - I needed a bit more guidance. Anyway, the blog was not to be posted quite yet.  Maybe this is telling me something--get the word out and start writing.  The warm responses from everyone has certainly motivated me to continue.

I've come up with a number of goals for writing and the second one is to shout from the tops of mountains about cancer and how we have to keep fighting it--not just in October--but for twelve months of the year.  People who have cancer don't get the month off and are living with it every single day.  Enough standing on my soap box--donate to American Cancer Society...period.  Research will save our lives...another period.

A quick observation for today:
What would be the the worst thing that could happen?  Cancer?  Not even close when I started to think about it. In no particular order is the "awful rotten $^&%#  crummy" list and right now life doesn't seem so bad.

1.  My clever and charming children could have this diagnosis
2.  Ditto to Rob, the best husband ever
3.  Not having my children in my life
4   Being a younger woman facing this disease
5.  Living in a country without proper health care
6.  No support from family and friends

And the list could go on and on but I am feeling better already.  Maybe writing this blog will be a hidden benefit.  Thanks for reading #2 out of 7777!


  1. You are so right when you say that people fighting cancer don't get time off.

  2. Woman! There's never an "oops" in sharing your cancer story - even prematurely - with those who know and love you. Welcome to the blog-o-shere! Here's to your next 7,778 days of life (for Rob's sake I gave you an extra one). BTW - #7 on your worse than re-diagnosis list should be living in a chocolate-less world.

  3. How could I forget the chocolate??? Thanks for the reminder and the support.
