Wednesday, January 7, 2015

#87 A Little Break

“Every person needs to take one day away.  A day in which one consciously separates the past from the future.  Jobs, family, employers, and friends can exist one day without any one of us, and if our egos permit us to confess, they could exist eternally in our absence.  Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for.  Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us.” 
― Maya Angelou,

 Thank you Ms. Angelou, and with company arriving, I will be absent from my--every single day and can't miss one--blogging entries.  You, on the other hand, will have the absolute pleasure of reading  submissions from my growing list of guest authors.  I am amazed at their talent and willingness to help me out with my daily writing.  I love a little break and according to Maya, "every person needs to take one day away. "  This hiatus for both you and me gives us all a new perspective on life.

BTW--Don't be shy...give it a try and submit one today!

Thanks for reading # 87 of 7777.

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