How many more lakes do I need to swim until the research closes in on a cure? Not stopping, no way, Jose, get that money pouring in and then we will talk about me retiring from the mermaid duty.
As for the actual swim, eight brave swimmers plunged into the relatively warm waters and, like sharks after their prey, we were all off. Well, some of us took off like sharks. See the video as I stop, look around and wonder where the heck I am going. (Hope the video works, if not, use your imagination.)
Despite a few leg cramps which rendered me to swim with NO legs for the last .8 mile (the media would have loved that), there is not too much to report. Rob stayed clear of me--a tad too clear for my comfort level--but he assured me that I was always within his range of vision.
What did surprise all the swimmers was the extra .35 tenths of a mile making the trip a total of 2.85 miles. It may not seem like a big deal but, trust me, it is. Wind shifts and the current added those extra strokes on to an already lengthy dip but we rallied and did our thumbs up to the crowd on the shoreline as we emerged from the weedy water.
Four down, eight more to go and by lake # 12, our voices will be heard.
Go visit my website www.onewomanmanylakes.net and donate so that I can hang up my soggy wetsuit and enjoy a nice long (with days of leisurely swimming) life. Also check out my One Woman Many Lakes Facebook page and share it. Pass the message on.
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