Thursday, December 17, 2015

#431 Autumn Nights

David Sangrund is a gifted poet whom we met on our India trip last year.  I love the images he evokes when describing the passing seasons.

the water lilies of summer are gone. they are no more.
nothing remains but their umbrella leaves.
the chrysanthemums of autumn are fading.
their leaves droop in pale colors.
the beauty of the year is only a solemn memory.
soon the bite of winter will be felt


the autumn night is clear
after the thunderstorm.
venus glows on the river,
the milky way is white as snow.
the dark sky is vast and deep.
the moon like a clear mirror
rises from the great void. when it
has climbed high in the sky, moonlit
frost glitters on the chrysanthemums.

Thanks for reading # 431 of 7777.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Mary I am honored, thank you posted my poems and sharing....
